Embarrassing Date Stories
Everybody has an idea in their head of the perfect date. However, these couples had dates that did not go quite as planned. Whether you have a good or bad date, it will always create a great memory.
Juniors Ryan Box and Sydney Mueller were going to meet Ryan’s parents at El Tio Pepe for dinner. Little did Sydney know that she was in for a lot more than dinner. When they arrived at the restaurant, it wasn’t just Ryan’s family–it was all of their friends too!
Ryan’s parents thought it would be funny to secretly tell the waiter that it was Sydney’s birthday, even though the real day was months away.
“The workers came out with guitars and a sombrero singing ‘happy birthday,’ and I was just thinking to myself ‘Aw, how fun – it’s someone’s birthday – whose is it?’ but little did I know it was me,” said Sydney.
The Mariachi band came out with their guitars, sombreros and a dessert waiting to shove in the birthday person’s face. Sydney was looking around for the birthday person, and the next thing she knew–it was her.
“I could not believe what was happening; embarrassed was an understatement. All of a sudden I was wearing a sombrero and a Mexican dessert was shoved in my face. They all thought it was the funniest thing in the world, but I was so embarrassed that I wanted to cry. Now I love to look back and laugh at it but in the moment I was too embarrassed to even react. Let’s just say Ryan’s family and I are very close now,” said Sydney.
Seniors Riley Kirchner and Haley Laufketter went on their first date in October. They went to the movies like any high school couple’s typical first date. To waste time before their movie, Riley bought them tokens for arcade games.
“We played almost every game in the arcade, and then with our last two tokens, we played the basketball game. Riley threw the basketball so hard at the rim that it bounced off and hit me straight in the nose. It hurt so bad that I started crying which was so embarrassing,” said Haley.
Riley almost breaking Haley’s nose on the first date is an experience the two of them will never forget.
On the other hand, getting gas is a tricky process for some couples. For senior Lydia Keinrath, the timing of her gas malfunction could not have been worse. She was driving her boyfriend, senior Keith Beckmann, on a date and stopped to get gas. Instead of filling up her car with regular gas, she accidentally filled it up with diesel. For those of you who do not know, putting diesel in a regular car does great damage— big mistake, Lydia.
“My mom had to come to the gas station and get my car towed, then I had to take Keith home with my mom’s car. It was beyond embarrassing,” said Lydia.
Being in a hurry while on a date is a recipe for disaster. Senior Sophie Bradley found that out the hard way. She and her boyfriend senior Dan Faust were out to dinner at Red Robin when she tried to quickly hand her menu to the waitress. She knocked all the plates, silverware and electronic credit card machine off the table— the perfect dinner disaster!
“It made the loudest noise ever, everything shattered and everyone was staring at me. Dan still mentions it every time we go out to eat and will never let me live it down,” said Sophie.
Embarrassing stories will always make for good memories. They are never funny in the moment, but are always great to go back and laugh about later. You may want to avoid having your own embarrassing moments, but you may one day miss them.

Kelly Sitz is a senior here at St. Dominic High School. She is a peer minister and on the varsity volleyball and track team. In her free time you will...