
    More stories from Brian Niehaus

    Mr. Markway

    Mr. Markway, a history teacher and the varsity football coach at St. Dominic, is one of the many new additions to the staff this year.

    Mr. Markway started his love of football while playing at Clinton High School. He then went on to attend Mizzou, where he acquired his bachelor’s degree in education. He was impacted by his teachers throughout his school time to pick an educational career. Mr. Markway was drawn to           St. Dominic because of the opportunity to teach in a Catholic school.

    “There is a real sense of community and pride here,” said Mr. Markway.

    As for coaching, Mr. Markway places high importance on building character for good sportsmanship, a trait that started when he began his coaching career in 2002, at North Callaway High School.

    “We talk about building character and if you score the winning touchdown, it is the team as a whole that won, not just you,” said Mr. Markway.

    His students would agree that he has many of the same expectations in the classroom that he does on the field.

    “My class expectations for my students are to do the best effort they can do, with a good attitude,” said Markway.

    When he is home, he likes to spend time with his daughter and wife.

    “Outside of St. Dominic, I like to spend as much time with my daughter as much as I can,” said Markway.

    Mr. Markway is excited to be a part of St. Dominic High School and is a great addition to the community.