New Coach, New Team, New Year

    More stories from Hannah Spahn

    Running Forward
    May 15, 2015

    The swim team is starting fresh this year, with a new coach and more swimmers. The team and the coach, Kellee Cook, have high expectations for the season. With practice six days a week, they are determined to reach these expectations through better starts, dives and turns.

    The swim team is made up of two managers and 25 swimmers, the majority of whom are underclassmen. With a larger team, better and bigger goals are going to be set.

    “Our goal is to come together as a team and set the foundation for next year,” said Coach Cook.

    They are planning on achieving that goal by giving every swimmer the opportunity to swim in meets and by trying new combinations for relay teams. The groundwork for all of these goals is laid in practice. Right now, much of practice is consistent to make sure everyone is on the same page and to get them ready for meets.

    “Stretching, sometimes a little dry land exercise and running to warm up, then laps, laps, laps! We practice starts, dives, and turns as needed too. I like to end practice with a relay too, or a race of some sort,” said Coach Cook.

    Even though swimming is often thought of as a sport that is performed solo, team bonding is a key concept for Coach Cook. The swim team implements team-building activities, and Coach Cook tries to incorporate ways of getting to know each other during practice. They also just like to spend time with each other outside of practice.

    “We had a ‘pasta party’ the night before our first meet, we are having a Christmas party, and we try to incorporate team building in practice,” said Coach Cook.

    With a new coach, the team takes on new roles and responsibilities and will look to improve throughout this season.