Love Saves Lives
The March for Life is a sign of hope. It is the foundation for a future where love is pulsing through the veins of every human being for one another. Hope for a time when healing, acceptance and conversation are open to women in need. It is a time to respect every person, whether black, white, gay, straight, male or female, due to the dignity they received the moment they were conceived. That’s why we march.
Last week, St. Dominic students travelled to Washington D.C. to show the world one thing—love saves lives. Being pro-life is a priority to many St. Dominic students who fully believe in the mission of defending life.

“What it means to me to be pro-life is to be able to stand up for the unborn, but also the life of every woman, man, immigrant, elderly, refugee and everyone in between. All forms of life are precious, and it’s important we protect the sanctity of life, through and by the love of Christ,” said senior Sophie Bradley.
The March for Life gained momentum this year because President Donald Trump addressed the rally from the Rose Garden of the White House. It is the first time in the history of the march that a president spoke at the March for Life. Whether you support the man or not, he is putting his foot forward for life.
“The March for Life is a movement born out of love. You love your families, you love your neighbors, you love our nation and you love every child, born and unborn, because you believe that every life is sacred, that every child is a precious gift from God,” said President Trump.
Love is the core of the pro-life movement—to toss aside all judgement to show compassion and care for all. With the White House behind the fight for life, we can expect to see action in the near future.
According to, only 18 states require counseling that provides women contemplating abortion information essential to their health such as the increased risk of breast cancer after abortion, the ability of a fetus to feel pain or the mental health consequences for post-abortive women. The pro-life movement must educate people of all ages on the option of life.

“I think listening to women who are grieving or feeling guilt is important to show compassion. Also, to help them handle the pain there are organizations like Project Rachel that have counselors and people who can help them be reconciled with God and themselves,” said senior Shelly Wolf.
The fight to respect of life is won in hearts, not a court room. It is fought with kindness and care for people who need it the most, because all people deserve the right to life.
“I feel like everyone deserves a chance to live, and everyone deserves a chance to become a saint and go to heaven. Life is a beautiful thing, and we don’t need to end it before having chance to experience it. Many times, people lose sight of how sacred life is until it is to late, so being pro-life is being a voice that can stand up for the voiceless and to make a difference,” said junior Peyton Bishop.

Since Row v. Wade, 60,000,000 children have been aborted. The fight for life can’t end once the child leaves their mother’s womb. Life in all forms needs to be protected. When you see bullying, stand up for the dignity of that person. Make sure to be educated on human rights and speak up for them. Treat women and men with the dignity they carry from the moment of their individual conception to natural death. It is up to pro-life people of all generations to love everyone—especially when it is difficult.
“Going on the march is not what makes me pro-life—living out everyday with respect for human life is what makes me pro-life. My goal is to love my neighbor, even when it’s not easy,” said senior Nate Kamp.
The March for Life is only one day a year, but the fight to defend life is battled everyday. The world is in need of love, and we must strive to do just that. We will march to love, and we will love for life. Remember also to keep the St. Dominic students and faculty in your prayers who will be marching this weekend in Jefferson City.

Kaitlyn Bross is a senior here at St. Dominic High School. Besides being the Editor-in-Chief of Crusader Nation, she is involved with varsity lacrosse,...