Faith at Your Fingertips
Perhaps your New Years Resolution is to get better grades, work out more or get more sleep. While those are great goals, we can’t forget to set spiritual goals as well. After all, God is the only reason we have this new year! Try out some of these awesome apps that are simple ways to bring Christ into your everyday life.
Prayers 2000+
This app has over 2000 prayers, and is organized to fit any and every spiritual need. It has common prayers, prayers by month, the rosary, chaplets, novenas, psalms, excerpts of Scripture that deal with Catholic doctrines and more. If your prayer life could use a boost or just some inspiration, start with this app.
Saint of the Day
This app will send you a brief biography of a saint everyday. It includes the saint’s relevance to your life and a reflective quote from Scripture. Just think of all the new relationships you could build with the saints this year! Download this app if you want to expand your knowledge of the saints.
Sprinkle of Jesus
This app will send you daily messages or inspirational quotes to motivate you in your faith life. Many people comment on how the notifications never fail to pop up at the perfect times. Download this app if you’re in need of a fresh perspective or need some assistance in keeping your faith life on track.
While this app is frequently utilized by St. Dominic teachers, did you ever think to give it a look outside of the classroom? This app is an excellent go-to, because it has hundreds of Catholic resources to answer all kinds of questions about the faith. It includes the Catechism, Bible, Stations of the Cross, Liturgy of the Hours, Order of the Mass and so much more! If you’re looking to dive deeper into the faith both spiritually and intellectually, this app is for you.
Catholic New American Bible RE
This is an excellent Bible app to try out if you’d like to read more Scripture! While it is $2.99, it is well worth the buy due to its many convenient qualities such as highlighting, bookmarking, changing font sizes and even being able to tweet verses right from the app. There are also a plethora of other free Bible apps. If you’re hoping to grow closer to God through his Word, the opportunity is right at your fingertips!
Maintaining a strong faith life is just as hard as any other goal you may have set this new year. So, give these apps a try! They are excellent, free and easy ways to continue growing your spiritual life and knowledge of the faith. Set a goal for yourself and use the apps to hold yourself accountable. After all, growing in your faith is the only goal that really matters in the end.

Caitlin is a senior at St. Dominic High School. She is involved in Pro-Life Club, A.D., CRU and is a part of the tennis and track teams. Whenever she is...