A Look Inside Audition Week
After being forced to go a whole month without performing, St. Dominic thespians are hungry for the spotlight. Of course, before starting rehearsal every actor must drudge through the dreaded audition week. This week is full of stress, lots of vitamin C to erase any possibility of becoming ill and ricola to keep voices in tip-top shape.
For many actors, the audition process began weeks ago. Eager to ace the auditions, students began the search for the perfect short monologue and song to showcase their abilities. These weeks of anticipation came with just as much preparation as nerves.
“You have to find the character you want to be, then search for a monologue and a song that suits the character and your range. You have to know what you are capable of. The most important is to have confidence in yourself,” said junior Jackie Lang.
Nerves are a part of any audition. Actors can get wrapped up in the anxiety of cast lists, callbacks and dance auditions. It makes it easy for us to forget the real reason we do theatre—the love of performing. Nothing beats the feeling of pure bliss when you step up on the stage and deliver your lines.
“Even though it can be nerve wrecking, standing on stage in front of a bunch of strangers, once you’re up on that stage, and all the lights are on you, nothing beats that feeling,” said senior Bridget Allen
My advice for any performer stressing way too much is to remember why you auditioned in the first place. Even if you are cast as a tumbleweed, be the best shrubbery anyone has ever seen. Ignore the stress, drama and tears to let yourself enjoy the magic of theatre.

Rose Stout is a senior at St. Dominic High School. She works off and on stage for every show, leads the robotics media and sings in the chamber choir....