“Outreaching” for Others

Last Friday, the students in Outreach Club volunteered their time and energy to buy toys for kids in need. With nearly $500 in hand, the outreach program surely spread some Christmas cheer.

The Outreach Club finished their mission with six over-flowing carts, packed full of toys for underprivileged children. The organizer of the whole event, Mrs. Debbie Johnson, made sure each volunteer picked the best toys for each child.

“It all started last Spring during Lent. The Outreach Club helps at the Assumption Fish Fry. The Knights of Columbus donates $500 to our club. We did another service project that also nets us $500. With that money we were able to purchase toys for Whole Kids Outreach,” said Mrs. Johnson.

Whole Kids Outreach is a program that provides the poorest familiesin Missouri with basic, everyday needs. During this season, they ask for toys and other knickknacks, so each child can experience the joy of opening gifts on Christmas morning. The Outreach Club is honored to participate by purchasing gifts for a variety of age groups.

“My job was to find toys for kids ages two to five. We all had to make sure we had a good even amount between all the ages, because the difference of one year is bigger than you think,” said junior Jackie Lang.

Whole Kids Outreach does not provide wish-lists, so the hardest part is finding the perfect toy.

“The hardest part about the toy drive was to find the best toys we thought kids would love. We had to get an equal amount of toys for both boys and girls to reach the $500 limit,” said junior Kristen Kostecki.

When the shopping came to an end and the toys were shipped to Whole Kids Outreach, the St. Dominic Outreach Club knew they had changed lives.

“This event made me feel amazing. Not only was I able to do this with my friends, I was getting toys for kids who deserved it. I also got some flashbacks by looking through all the toys,” said Lang.

“Participating in this event was a kick off to my Christmas spirit. Starting off the Christmas season with shopping for kids who don’t always get presents on Christmas morning, made me realize what I take for granted every year. I wanted to be a part in helping those kids have a Christmas they will always remember,” said Kostecki.

With all of the help from the Outreach Club, hopefully each kid will feel the spirit of Christmas. In the end, students at St. Dominic got more out of giving than receiving this Christmas season!