Family Festivities

    Amber Ator

    More stories from Amber Ator

    Hannah Spahn, Mrs. Hayes and Jordyn Hardy

    Christmas break is just around the corner, and many of us are preparing for our family traditions. From decorating to baking, we look forward to our favorite activities with our families each year. Here are some favorites from around the SDHS community.

    “My favorite tradition is making our yearly gingerbread house, covering it with icing and then eating it.”
    -Cameron Forrester

    “My favorite tradition during the Christmas season is doing a secret Santa and playing ‘rob your neighbor’ with my family for our Christmas gifts.”
    -Hannah Spahn

    “The day after Christmas we leave for Colorado and we go skiing with my grandkids.”
    -Mrs. Fridley

    “Reading Luke’s gospel about the birth of Jesus and How the Grinch Stole Christmas to my kids on Christmas Eve.”
    -Mr. Hennekes

    “My family watches Christmas Vacation while we put up the Christmas tree.”
    -Jordyn Hardy

    “My favorite tradition is giving my kids St. Nicholas gifts. My husband and I set out my kids’ shoes the night before, and we fill their shoes with a small gift.”
    -Mrs. Pescarino

    “Every year my kids and I bake Jesus a birthday cake.”
    -Sally Garrett

    “Each year my parents give each of us kids three gifts. They give us three gifts because Jesus received the three gifts from the wise men.”
    -Alex Cornett

    “We go to the Botanical Gardens, watch the train show, and go out to dinner afterwards.”
    -Mrs. Hayes

    “My favorite Christmas tradition is gathering with my family who lives all over the United States and playing games with them over the holidays.”
    -Brynn Murray