A Fairy Tale Cast

For the fourth year, St. Dominic is presenting the tale of Scrooge and Marley. Although, the normal classic has a brand new twist this year—fairy tale creatures.

The cast and crew were pleasantly surprised when they heard they were part of a 101 person cast. This number broke the record for the biggest show St. Dominic had ever seen. The only problem is the script, written for a whopping 30 characters. Of course, that did not stop director Mrs. Melfreya Findley from incorporating everyone’s talents into the show.

Her solution was to add more fairy tale creatures, and she quickly went to work. Mrs. Findley added lines and even found parts for the huge amount of grade school kids. Snow White and Florian are accompanied by the seven dwarves, the shoemaker has his three elf helpers in tow and the Charmings have a fourth daughter added into the script.

The grade school kids add so much life to the production, really bringing in the Christmas spirit. It can be so easy for negativity to sneak its way into the things we love, but kids have a much better way of fighting it off. The grade schoolers are filled with a joy that not even the most stressful rehearsal can shake, and any part of cast or crew will tell you it is contagious.

“The best part would definitely be able to have fun with them [the Charming kids] on and off stage. My family has like a “family game.” Before every scene, all of us play chopsticks, and it really helps us get into that bonding moment before we walk on. Not to mention, all the kids are always happy and to see them happy really helps me get all that negativity out of the way and just enjoy life and Christmas,” said junior cast member Jackie Lang.

Along with grade schoolers, the cast also has a surprisingly large amount of underclassmen. The large numbers sent a rush of panic through the cast, but it is just helping the SDHS theatre family grow.

“There’s so many new freshmen and so many new faces starting to do theatre, and it’s fun to see them getting better and evolving throughout the course of this show,” said junior cast member Nathan Hakenewerth.

The St. Dominic theatre department just keeps growing and growing. Show times are December 7 and 9 at 7:00pm, alongside December 10 at 3:00pm. A Fairy Tale Christmas Carol is sure to be filled with amazing talent and is a must see for any child at heart.