Thank Outside the Box

Friends, family, sports, a home, we have so many things to be thankful for this holiday season! But there’s hundreds of little things we glance right over every day and never take the time to appreciate. Here’s a list of some out-of-the-ordinary things to be thankful for.
School. Sure, school can really suck sometimes, but honestly where would you be without it?
Free samples. Go to Costco and eat a meal’s worth of free samples, what could be better?
When clothes you find fit just right. There really isn’t anything quite as reassuring.
Target’s dollar section. Full of things you only need after you see it, unless it’s socks. You always need Target socks.
Spell check. Let’s you keep your awful spelling skills a secret and can be a great source of entertainment.
When your room is a mess. It might not seem like something to be happy about, but just think of it this way: it means you have more than you need.
When someone asks you for directions and you actually know the answer. Leaves you feeling like you actually know stuff.
The smell of Christmas trees. Walking into your house after a long day at school and smelling the sweet and refreshing evergreen tree. . . If that can’t brighten your mood I don’t know what will.
Cameras. Do you ever just look through your camera roll and are suddenly in the best mood?
Heated seats. Technology is a beautiful thing.
Cat videos. Best medicine for a bad day.
When your parents text you. 10 missed calls from your mom may cause a heart attack at first, but just remember that it’s because they care about you more than anything!
Crunchy leaves. I don’t think a more satisfying sound exists.
The smell of winter. You know Christmas is right around the corner.
When you have a story so funny that you can’t even finish it. The little memories that will last a lifetime.
Toothpaste. And be thankful for the people who use it.
Reconciliation. What could you be more thankful for than God’s mercy?
Getting tired of your friends. Another thing that might seem weird to be thankful for, but it just means you’ve gotten to spend tons of time with them.
The smell of birthday candles after you blow them out. Nothing but happy memories associated with that smell.
Spoons. Try eating your Lucky Charms with a fork and let me know how that goes.
Free rolls/chips and salsa at restaurants. Because what’s better than filling up on free food?
Uncrustables. Pop it in the microwave for a few seconds and it’s the equivalent to a cafeteria Thanksgiving meal.
When you find money you didn’t know you had. It’s like a mini Christmas.
Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the big and stressful parts of life and glance over all of the little blessings God sends our way. Over break, try a little harder to look for the small beauties and really take advantage of them.

Caitlin is a senior at St. Dominic High School. She is involved in Pro-Life Club, A.D., CRU and is a part of the tennis and track teams. Whenever she is...
Colleen Cooper • Nov 21, 2017 at 12:56 pm
So good Caitlin definitely 10/10!!!!