A Wonder-Filled Story

Wonder may look familiar to most high schoolers, because it comes straight from our middle school days. The new movie is in theaters now and is sure to be a tearjerker for people of all ages.

What could be so enjoyable about a book and movie written for seventh graders? Give the story a chance; this book may not be filled with romance or chase scenes, but it shows the power of kindness and understanding

August Pullman, or Auggie, was born with a facial deformity that has made it difficult for him to make friends. He has spent his life in and out of the hospital while being homeschooled by his mom. After much hesitation, his parents have finally decided it is time for Auggie to start school.

Going through our day to day lives, it is easy to forget that everyone else is struggling too. Every living person has their own hardships, and it is easy for us to put up a wall to lock everyone out.

The author of Wonder, R. J. Palacio, shows every reader the importance of being kind. It is impossible to tell what type of world a person is coming from, but it is possible to change their life through kindness.

Wonder is filled with an incredible cast, including Jacob Tremblay as Auggie, Izabela Vidovic as Via, Julia Roberts as his mother and Owen Wilson as his father. If you are looking for a heartwarming film, buy a ticket to seeĀ Wonder.