The Dark Side of Black Friday

November 19, 2017

Thanksgiving morning, family and friends alike pile into the car and head off to Grandma’s. Eight hours later they storm into stores, trampling and clawing innocent human beings to get that 70% off television deal.

The obsession with Black Friday doesn’t make sense. We spend a whole day reflecting on what we are grateful for, only to spend our money on things we don’t need hours later.

The deals seem to hypnotize the buyers. The idea of new being better plagues the minds of consumers. Black Friday sales creep into holiday celebrations. Family members leave before dessert to make sure they get a good place in line.

Thanksgiving is a day set aside to remember everything we love about our lives. Yet, many people opt out of the festivities to spend the night standing in line next to strangers in the freezing cold. And all for what? A discounted television.

When it comes to electronics, no one is really getting that much of a deal. Controversy rose a few years ago when the masses discovered one of the industry’s big secrets. The TV’s and other electronics companies send out on Black Friday are rarely the same ones sold the rest of the year. Most companies will send stores cheaply made versions, so that they won’t lose revenue. This means that even though you got a new computer for half the price, it will last half as long.

Black Friday takes away from more than a family celebration. Many people don’t even know the day after Black Friday is known as Small Business Saturday. On this day small businesses will have small sales and encourage customers to support local businesses. This day is not only better for your pocket, but can improve your local economy. If you buy your niece the cutest outfit from a department store, who knows whose pocket that money goes to. If you use the money for some local goods, the money goes straight back to your community.

Thanksgiving is about one thing: family. People that will love you, even if their present is a popsicle-stick Christmas tree. This year, ditch Black Friday and fall into a beautiful food coma after enjoying family, friends and a wonderful Thanksgiving feast.

The Bright Side of Black Friday

The Bright Side of Black Friday

It’s that time of year again where bargain hunters from far and wide rejoice! Black Friday is the best day of the year to boost the economy and find this year’s must-haves at a great price. What is better for hungry American consumers than that?

Finding good Black Friday deals makes the whole crazy shopping spree totally worth it. For Americans, it is the best time to open your wallet support big businesses. Some stores even offer giveaways during Black Friday, so pay attention for some sweet deals coming your way. Also, electronic sales are one of a kind around Black Friday. Whether it is a TV, smartphone or tablet, this weekend is the best time to buy.

Seriously, Black Friday is amazing for businesses and shoppers alike. From Thanksgiving to Cyber Monday, 20% of the entire year’s online shopping is done in just one weekend.

If you are dedicated, it can be a money, time and life saver to get all of your Christmas shopping done on Black Friday. Not to mention, some stores will even wrap your gifts perfectly for you.

Not only that, but Black Friday creates seasonal job for eager employees. The NRF states that stores hired anywhere between 500,000 and 550,000 in 2017 alone just for the holiday season. While shopping amidst the herds this season, make sure to think about all the awesome employees giving you a helping hand.

Black Friday doesn’t take away from family time—it creates more of it! Your family will appreciate you even more if you buy them good gifts on Black Friday, and it can even become a family tradition to shop til you drop.

Whether you are looking for the perfect new phone or want some cheap candles, keep your eyes peeled for good deals this Black Friday.

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Photo of Rose Stout
Rose Stout, Staff Writer

Rose Stout is a senior at St. Dominic High School. She works off and on stage for every show, leads the robotics media and sings in the chamber choir....

Photo of Kaitlyn Bross
Kaitlyn Bross, Editor-and-Chief

Kaitlyn Bross is a senior here at St. Dominic High School. Besides being the Editor-in-Chief of Crusader Nation, she is involved with varsity lacrosse,...

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