Familiar Faces in New Places

If you have passed through the Sister Mary Bender lobby or stopped by the front office this year, you may have noticed Mrs. Ann Mueth and Mrs. Ania Wyant have switched roles. Mrs. Sally Garrett has welcomed Mrs. Mueth to the bustling front office as an administrative assistant, and Mrs. Wyant has made the trek down to the athletic office where she works as the secretary.

Mrs. Mueth has 13 years of experience here at St. Dominic and is loving her time back in the main office. Apart from all her new tasks, Mrs. Mueth’s favorite part of her job is working with Mrs. Garrett.

“I love working with Sally. When I first started here… I worked in the main office but as the athletic secretary, and I loved working with Sally every day. When I was down there, I was lonely,” said Mrs. Mueth.

While Mrs. Mueth is reuniting with Mrs. Garrett, Mrs. Wyant is adjusting to her position in the athletic office. While the athletic office may blend into the walls in the Sister Mary Bender lobby, Mrs. Wyant lights it up.

“My favorite part is that I get to learn something new… It’s a lot quieter, a lot less interaction, but there is a lot more work to keep you busy. You are less interrupted, so if you are working on something, you can work through it versus stopping every few minutes to answer a phone or answer a person,” said Mrs. Wyant.

Both Mrs. Wyant and Mrs. Mueth are tackling brand new tasks and learning along the way. They both have a packed schedule and are responsible for keeping St. Dominic students and athletics in order.

“[I am] answering phones and checking kids in. I’m still a secretary for Mrs. Mennemeier and Mr. Welby so I do a lot of typing and keeping things organized. I am also the holder of the calendar, so everything you guys see that is calendar related, I take care of,” said Mrs. Mueth.

“In the morning, I get here and I put together the bulletin, and then I basically have always a full page list that I try and tackle. Different parts of the season dictate different responsibilities, and I’m learning that as I go,” said Mrs. Wyant.

Mrs. Wyant and Mrs. Mueth have worked hard in their switch for the betterment of the St. Dominic community. Next time you open up the bulletin or pass by the office, be sure to think of these two ladies and all that they do to make everyday a great one.