The student news site of St. Dominic High School

Popular Superstitions

October 26, 2017

Popular Superstitions

Jack O’ Lanterns may be extremely popular, but the Celtics are not credited with starting every Halloween tradition. The fear of black cats, spiders and bats originated in the Middle Ages. Many believed that witches transformed into black cats to escape persecution, or that black cats were demonic pets gifted to witches by the devil himself.

On the other hand, if a bat flew around your house three times—or even worse, flew inside—it meant that someone in the house would die soon. On the other hand seeing a spider on Halloween meant a relative was watching over you. A spider that fell into a candle-lit lamp and was consumed by the fire signaled the presences of witches nearby. There are so many superstitions surrounding this spooky holiday.

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Photo of Sydney Hofstetter
Sydney Hofstetter, Copy Editor/Staff Writer

Sydney Hofstetter is a senior at St. Dominic High School. She is involved in CRU, Pro-life Club and is the treasurer of French Club. She is always out...

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