The student news site of St. Dominic High School

Catholic Influence

October 26, 2017

Catholic Influence

Unfortunately, the Celtic priests did not predict an enemy coming for their land. The Celts were conquered by the Roman Empire in 43 AD, and the Romans combined Samhain with Feralia and Pomona. Feralia was a day to commemorate the passing of the dead, kind of like a spooky holiday we have today. Pomona was the Roman goddess of fruit, and her symbol was an apple. Whenever you are bobbing for apples this year, think of Pomona, who most likely inspired the classic fall tradition.

The church declared the feast of All Martyrs Day to be November 1, and the feast of All Souls’ Day on November 2. On All Souls’ Day, the poor went house-to-house and begged for food. Citizens were encouraged to give out pastries called Soul Cakes in exchange for the beggars prayers for their departed loved ones. The night before All Martyrs Day came to be known as All Hallows’ Eve, which evolved into Halloween.

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Photo of Sydney Hofstetter
Sydney Hofstetter, Copy Editor/Staff Writer

Sydney Hofstetter is a senior at St. Dominic High School. She is involved in CRU, Pro-life Club and is the treasurer of French Club. She is always out...

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