Grandparents Are A Blessing

Grandparents from around the country came to visit their grandchildren at St. Dominic on November 11. This year Grandparent’s Day honored veterans and greeted grandparents with breakfast, songs and a blessing by their grandchildren. This event gives our school community a chance to recognize and thank the grandparents for all they have done, and all they are yet to do.

St. Dominic has hosted Grandparent’s Day since 2003 and each year this special event has been a successful one. This year the school hosted 684 grandparents in the gym. The grandparents got to enjoy a tasty breakfast and listen to the choir sing the songs of all five branches of the military service. As their theme song was sung, the veterans from that branch of the service stood.

“It really is very moving to see. You know some of these gentlemen are from World War II, so they are probably mid to late 80s, maybe in their 90s, and they are standing, or are trying to stand. For some it is difficult but when the choir plays that branch of the service they are standing up to salute the flag. It is just really a very, very cool event,” said SDHS President Cathy Fetter.

Family is a very valuable part of our lives and Grandparent’s Day is another way to share in community here at St. Dominic. Therefore, getting grandparents to come to our school to share this day with us can help us to live out our four pillars and it strengthens the bonds of family.

“Grandparent’s Day is about community, but it is really about the importance of family to our school,” said Ms. Fetter.

Above and beyond everything else, Grandparent’s Day is a time for family. It helps students bond and create a connection with their grandparents in ways that don’t happen every day. Grandparents enjoy many aspects of this special day including the food, the songs, the blessing, but most of all they enjoy being around their grandchildren.

“For me, when the students come in to be on the mezzanine for the blessing of the grandparents, to see how excited the faces of the grandparents are when they spot their grandson or daughter you can tell that they enjoy the program, and it is because of their grandchild that they are so excited to be here,” said Ms. Fetter.