Riverdale: Not Just Another Teen Drama
Riverdale stole the hearts of many drama-hungry teens when it debuted in January 2017. The thirteen episode season ended in the blink of an eye, leaving many fans wanting more. Betty and Veronica fans alike are waiting in agony for the next season, airing October 11 on the CW. Warning: spoilers ahead.
The series begins with narration by Jughead Jones. Jughead is writing a book about the murder investigation currently unraveling in the formerly innocent town of Riverdale. Over the summer, the town was turned upside down with the disappearance of Jason Blossom, the son of the most wealthy Riverdale family. A group of high school sophomores, Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge, Archie Andrews and Jughead Jones, decide to take matters into their own hands and solve this mystery.
If anything sets this show apart it is the characters. Riverdale goes above and beyond the high school stereotypes other shows cling on to. Betty Cooper is the blonde goody-two-shoes, Archie Andrews is the buff jock, Veronica lodge is the spoiled rich kid, Jughead Jones is the edgy loner and Cheryl Blossom is the selfish cheerleader. As the season unravels we watch as the characters slowly break out of their stereotypes. We see Betty’s darker side or Cheryl’s fears, but we see it the most in Veronica Lodge. Veronica transforms from a spoiled brat into a strong, compassionate character. She refuses to be defined by her family name and will do anything for her friends. The fans hope that the writers will continue to push these stereotypes so we can see the true dimension behind every teenager.
Love and loss is paired with mystery and drama in Riverdale. Everyone has their favorite ships, but this show made it easy to fall in love with all of them. Jughead and Betty seem too different to ever work out. Jughead is a “weirdo,” while Betty is the sweet suburban girl with the “perfect family life.” The audience watched in horror as these differences almost tore their beloved “Bughead” apart. However, we start to see a dark side to Betty Cooper, and Jughead is not as dark and lonely as he seems.
While Betty and Jughead were obvious from the start, Veronica Lodge and Archie Andrew’s romance is a lot harder to foresee. Fans waited for what seemed like forever for the characters to finally realize they were perfect for each other. In the end romance won, but many are wondering if it will last.
Season one ended in an epic cliff hanger that left fans on the edge of their seats. A bullet flies at Archie Andrews, but his dad jumps in the way at the last second. The camera pans out as Fred Andrews lies on the diner floor. What will happen next?
This series is filled with drama, love, mystery and loss. It keeps fans on the edge of their seats, and makes 13 episodes go by in a flash. As questions swarm the minds of fans, we all wait not-so-patiently for October 11.

Rose Stout is a senior at St. Dominic High School. She works off and on stage for every show, leads the robotics media and sings in the chamber choir....