Bah Humbug

Though the theatre program at St. Dominic has always flourished, this school year it has opened even more opportunities for students to get involved. Traditionally, the school produces only two shows each year: a play during the fall and in spring, a musical. This year, A Christmas Carol will be done between the two, and students are delighted.

However, pulling the play together has been a bit of a challenge. With auditions beginning the week directly after the fall play, Alice in Wonderland, getting everything in order for A Christmas Carol took an enormous effort from both cast and crew, as well as a great deal of preparation on behalf of its director, Melfreya Findley.

Having only six weeks to prepare and no time in between the plays has been a challenge, but Mrs. Findley believes the play will be a success.

“It’s a little stressful, but that’s what theater is about, going from one show to another. It keeps me on my toes. It’s good,” said Mrs. Findley.

Currently, to commemorate this holiday season, theatre students have been working on perfecting their acts for A Christmas Carol. Overall, this time of year seems to be perfect for the addition of a new production. Since it’s a well-known classic, students clamored for an opportunity to be a part of the magic. Sophomore Clayton Arnold seemed thrilled by the addition.

“It is definitely exciting because it gives a lot of kids who don’t play a winter sport something to do,” he said. “A Christmas Carol is such a timeless show that it can be interpreted in many ways so it’s always fresh.”

With his lead role as Scrooge in the play, Clayton can frequently be seen tromping about onstage tossing out a “Bah! Humbug!” at every opportunity. However, the pure joy of Christmas warms even his heart in the end.

The play will be a charming addition to end-of-the-year festivities, and not just for St. Dominic students. Mrs. Findley opened up auditions to several elementary students, and 42 of them were granted minor roles in the show. Not only has the addition of children improved the realistic appearance of the play, but it has served as an excellent opportunity to draw prospective students to St. Dominic in the future.

With more chances for students to showcase their talents onstage, as well as to express their creativity behind the scenes, St. Dominic’s theatre program continues to draw in new students, both current and future. Beginning with a private matinee for local grade schools on Thursday, December 4, students will finally be able to show off the product of their diligent work. The show will open to everyone at 7 p.m. the following Friday and Saturday, closing with the final showing on Sunday at 3 p.m. A Christmas Carol should fill the halls of St. Dominic with enough Christmas spirit to help students and faculty maintain a joyous attitude through the end of first semester.