Is Friday the 13th Really Unlucky?

If you ever feel the need to terrorize people on a specific day for the rest of eternity, simply associate random bad-luck and mediocre horror films with the date of your choice. Take it easy ladies and gentlemen; it seems like Friday the 13th may not be so unlucky after all. In order to survive this dreaded day, here’s what you need to know.
Perhaps it is the history of superstitions linked to the number 13 that continue to cause unrest today. Some say it disrupts the sense of perfection or balance provided by the number 12: 12 months in a year, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 tribes of Israel and so on. The stigma associated with the number 13 lives on in the following: hotels and other buildings lacking a 13th floor, airports skipping a 13th gate and street addresses occasionally skipping from 12 to 14.
With this concept of a cursed number comes ridiculous superstitions like earning seven years of bad luck if you break a mirror, being the next one to die if a funeral procession passes you and opening an umbrella indoors. None of these superstitions even remotely connect to the number 13, which means there is no reason whatsoever for them to be associated with this day.
The most widely known superstition regarding this spooky day is its connection to the film, Friday the 13th. Apparently, the filmmakers named the movie Friday the 13th just to add to the speculation for their own amusement. Kudos to them for doing so, because they got the reaction they wanted.
While Friday the 13th might have a bit of a frightening reputation, it is nothing but a mere jumble of superstitions that our world has blown out of proportion. Don’t hesitate to push your worries aside and slide into another stress-free weekend with ease.

Alexandra is a senior at St. Dominic High School. Aside from singing in the choir, she is involved in AD club and bowling club. In her free time, she enjoys...