Show Your Thanks

Jenny Preuss, Mr. Michaelree and Grace Sullivan

It’s that time of the year again when we reflect on what we have and who we are thankful for. It is important to think about all of the blessings we have when there are people who have less than us. It is an opportunity to give something back not just to those whom we apprecicate, but to others as well. With all that in mind, we asked the SDHS community what they are thankful for.


-Ms. Sullivan


“I’m thankful for the car my parents gave me.”

-Alex Centorbi


“I’m thankful to my parents that I have the opportunity to go to this school.”

-Ellee Rogers


“I’m thankful for our house on the lake.”

-Mrs. Fridley


“I’m thankful that we have time off of school this holiday.”

-Nicole Entzeroth


“I’m thankful for family, friends and my dog.”

-Grace Sullivan


“I’m thankful for the food I’m going to eat on Thanksgiving.”

-Jordyn Hardy


“The fact that I am healthy makes me happy and thankful every day.”

-Melissa Woodford


“I’m thankful for my Catholic education.”

-Jenny Preuss


“I’m thankful for God’s love.”

-Mr. Michaelree


“I’m thankful to have a job because there are people who don’t have jobs and don’t have the means to get one.”

-Mr. Brotherton


“I’m thankful for the military that are on call to take care of us and we don’t even know who is there; I just don’t want to forget them.”

-Mr. Overberg