The student news site of St. Dominic High School

Lydia Keinrath and Keith Beckmann

Last year at prom, seniors Lydia Keinrath and Keith Beckmann took the stage as Master and Mistress of ceremonies. This year, they are taking their shot at the crown. Keinrath is a senior advisor and ambassador, as well as on the cheer squad and track team. Beckmann is a football, basketball and track star, while also being a senior advisor and part of Viri Dei.

“I am so pumped to be on homecoming court! I am most excited for when the couples walk down the field during the Pep Rally and the football game. I am also excited for homecoming on Saturday! When they announced that I was on court, I was so excited I wanted to jump out of my seat and cheer,” said Keinrath.

“I am excited that I will get to write my hobbies and what not for the pep assembly. I am also excited that Lydia was happy,” said Beckmann

This couple is more than ready to take on court. With each other at their sides, homecoming will be a night to remember!


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