The student news site of St. Dominic High School

New Faces in Old Classrooms

St. Dominic welcomes seven new faces to our community this year. Saying goodbye to many loved and memorable teachers last year was difficult, but we are so blessed with the teachers of the 2017-2018 school year. They are all so eager and filled with excitement for the start of the year and the chance to meet all the students. Join in welcoming them to our school community and stop by their class sometime soon.

Lyn Zelnis
Returning to the St. Dominic community is Mrs. Lyn Zelnis. Her favorite part about teaching at St. Dominic is coming back to her high school; she’s a Crusader alumni! Mrs. Zelnis is the new physical education teacher, which she describes as a “perfect fit” for her. Other than coaching boys JV volleyball and helping with intramurals, she loves working out, playing volleyball and spending time with her husband and two sons.

Desired exotic pet: Monkeys
Something she wishes she knew in high school: “How fast it goes. Those four years flew by and it was a blast, but I wish I would have known just how fast it would go so I could really cherish every second,” said Mrs. Zelnis.


Nikki Schuler
Mrs. Nikki Schuler is one of the new literature teachers at St. Dominic this year. Mrs. Schuler dove right into the St. Dominic community, coaching boys JV soccer, freshman girls soccer and co-sponsoring CRU. This is her first time teaching in a private school, but her favorite part of the transition is the opportunity to pray with her students and players. Outside of the St. Dominic community, Mrs. Schuler spends time loving and taking care of her two dogs and her family.

Why she became a teacher: “I had a few good teachers and coaches in high school — I wanted to do for others what they did for me,” said Mrs. Schuler.
Something she wishes she knew in high school: “This, too, shall pass.”


Laura Kenny
Ms. Laura Kenny is one of the new literature teachers at St. Dominic this year. She loves the community and feels like she has found a second home here. She is currently one of the co-moderators of CRU, and is hoping to get involved with the musical groups at St. Dominic and help on retreats in the future. When she’s not working, Ms. Kenny loves to watch Netflix, write songs, play guitar, read, do Zumba and play “Thunderstruck” on the electric guitar behind her head.

Why she became a teacher: “I get to express myself and my love for knowledge in a creative way while making a difference in the lives of young people (hopefully),” said Ms. Kenny.
Something she wishes she knew in high school: “There is an entire world out there after graduation,” said Ms. Kenny.


Chris Fechtel
Mr. Chris Fechtel is the newest member to our religion department. Before beginning his career in education, he spent a few years discerning religious life. After realizing his love of working with young people while they discover who they want be in the world, he decided to become a teacher. Outside of work, he enjoys watching the Cardinals and coaching his softball team.

Desired exotic pet: Miniature dachshund or potbelly pig
Something he wishes he knew in high school: “In high school I wish that I had a more holistic vision of the world around me and how I fit into that world,” said Mr. Fechtel.


Bill Strecker
Mr. Bill Strecker is now working alongside his wife, Mrs. Darla Strecker, here at St. Dominic. He loves coming to school and seeing the friendly and eager atmosphere surrounding the students. Mr. Strecker has not always wanted to be a teacher, but after some soul searching, he found his passion for teaching. One day he would love to get involved with the students outside of the classroom and help them to grow both academically and non-academically.

Hidden talent: Identifying the artists of songs
Something he wishes he knew in high school: “I should have be more open to other majors when I was a senior. Go and visit as many colleges as you can…keep your mind open, and you will find the ‘right’ fit,” said Mr. Strecker.


Ashley Brannock
Mrs. Ashley Brannock has joined the St. Dominic community as the new French teacher and moderator of French Club. In her free time, she loves photography, baking, and dancing. Mrs. Brannock has wanted to be a teacher since middle school, after experiencing her first French class. Her love for teaching has only grown since then!

Why she became a teacher: “I chose to become a teacher because I love being able to show students the world of opportunities that lie before them,” said Mrs. Brannock.
Something she wishes she knew in high school: “I wish that I would not have worried as much about tests. I would continue studying, even if I knew the material really well. Sleep is important,” said Mrs. Brannock.


Tasha Dunne
Ms. Tasha Dunne is the newest business teacher here at St. Dominic. She fills every moment of her free time with reading, gardening, cooking, doodling, sewing, knitting, needlepoint and riding her bike on the Katy Trail. Ms. Dunne had not always planned on being a teacher, but she found a love of teaching and could not be any happier today.

Desired exotic pet: A butterfly house
Something she wishes she knew in high school: “My advice to you is, slow down, take a deep breath, and savor the moment.  You will never get these years back, so relish them while you can,” said Ms. Dunne.

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