A Fond Farewell
It’s finally the end of the school year here at St. Dominic, but not just our seniors are leaving. Our beloved teachers Mr. Dennis Matthews, Mr. Rick Overberg, Mrs. Norma Overberg and president Ms. Cathy Fetter are all retiring this year. Combined, these amazing people have served at St. Dominic for 80 years.
Mr. Matthews taught at St. Dominic for 41 years as a social studies teacher. In his time, he taught every student who entered his classroom that history is interpretive. Of course, he also ensures that everyone who passes through the lower 400s knows every word to “Chrissy the Christmas Mouse.” Mr. and Mrs. Overberg both taught at St. Pius X High School and then came to St. Dominic to serve as English and Religion teachers for 10 years. They have taught every student the key to being healthy and happy in their classrooms. The Overberg’s are the perfect example of how to love as well. Finally, Ms. Fetter has worked at St. Dominic for 19 years and served as president. Her dedication to the students and alumni at St. Dominic makes our world go round. All of the teachers have very fond memories from their time spent at St. Dominic.
“St. Dominic is an incredible community. We have gone on now for 55 years as St. Dominic, and I’m sure we’re going to go at least another 55 more,” said Ms. Fetter.

Some of these teachers even have some advice that they would like to share with the students before leaving.
“Love your wife and family. Enjoy being around people! Have great relationships! Also, take care of yourself—mind, body and soul. If not, you are at great risk! Pray every day,” said Mr. Overberg.
Although they are sad to be leaving the St. Dominic community, the teachers are also looking forward to enjoying retirement.
“I am looking forward to not making any decisions,” said Ms. Fetter.
“Mrs. Overberg and I will be moving back to where we grew up. We will be building a house and reconnecting with old friends. We are also planning on doing some traveling,” said Mr. Overberg.
Mr. Matthews, Mr. Overberg, Mrs. Overberg and Ms. Fetter have all benefitted St. Dominic greatly through their outstanding service. On behalf of the entire St. Dominic community, we thank you for your service, and you will be missed!

Emma Story is a sophomore who is a member of the Pro-Life Leadership Team, FBLA, Youth in Government, NAHS, Spanish Club, CRU, Glamour Gals, Photography...
Pete Lichtenwalner • May 13, 2017 at 5:42 am
Enjoy retirement Mr. Matthews! It’s great to see that you’ve been at Saint Dominic for all these years. I still remember when you took me to the state track meet. God bless!