Lots of Lasts
Graduation is inevitable. Saying goodbye cannot be avoided. Since the first day at this school, the class of 2017 knew that this was coming. All of their “lasts” have been preparing the seniors for their final farewell at St. Dominic.
In the midst of the beginning of the school year, everyone got caught up in the excitement of Homecoming week. Dressing your best on spirit days, getting out of class for the pep rally, the Friday night lights and finally the dance itself. The week may have been a blur, but for seniors it was a last Homecoming week they won’t forget.
“It’s awesome to see all the hours of hard work the cheer and dance squads put in during Homecoming week all pay off on Friday night, and it’s so sad to think that this was the last year we would ever be a part of it. The hardest ‘last’ for me was definitely cheering in my last home game,” said senior cheerleader Shannon Ransom.
Just as the weather changes, the sports seasons come and go as well. Each sport in the fall, winter and spring share bonds only formed between teammates. Every year, you work to better yourself and the team for next season until it’s your last season as a Crusader, and it comes to an end.
“My hardest ‘last’ was my last high school soccer game. I made a lot of friends on that team and it was hard to say goodbye,” said senior goalkeeper Collin Baker.
Teams are not the only families that grew during our four years. St. Dominic has given all of us seniors an even bigger faith family to carry with us for the rest of our lives. Another hard “last” will be saying goodbye to the bonds made on retreats, during rehearsals, at club meetings or even in the hallways. Peer minister Kaylee Imming’s hardest “last” was her last Kairos retreat.
“One of my hardest ‘lasts’ was the last Kairos homecoming realizing I won’t get to ever see anyone come back from the Kairos high again,” said Imming.
Although the school year is close to over, the hardest “lasts” are yet to come for the class of 2017. In our last Mass as students at St. Dominic, we heard the story, “I wish you enough.” After four years, we can prove that we were given enough hello’s to sustain us from the hardest goodbye. The best advice the class of 2017 can give is to take advantage of every memory before you reach your last.

Jordyn is a senior who is in the Ambassadors, Pro-life, and Book Clubs, CRU, class cabinet, is the official Badge Maker of the iSquad and a varsity...