Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: iPad Edition

Listen, we get it. There’s almost a guarantee you can’t rely on your iPad in college. So, the question is, what can you do with it? To help you make that decision, here is a list of the many uses for the iPad after your time at St. Dominic!

Probably the quickest and easiest way to make use of the device is to simply sell it. If you are planning on buying a laptop for college, then everything you can do on your iPad you can do on a laptop. There are plenty of resale websites and locations around town, but I personally recommend Gazelle: Not only can you sell your iPad, but all other electronics too! Your iPad will fetch you anywhere from $100 up to $400, depending on the model and the condition.

If you are feeling charitable, you can always donate your iPad too. This website will let you do it in an easy way: If you have a younger sibling, and the iPad isn’t in really poor shape, you can give it to them for their time here at St. Dominic. I know several families that use old iPads in the kitchen as a mini TV, or as an online cookbook.

Their usefulness doesn’t stop there! The possibilities are endless: a GPS in your car, to learn how to play an instrument, a second computer monitor, learn a new language, schedule planner, photo storage and many more!

There are plenty of other St. Dominic students who have interesting plans for their devices. Hear it from members of the senior class themselves as they share their futures with their iPads.

“I plan to use my iPad as a frisbee when I have down time,” said Gary Vomund.

“If you don’t want to stain the table, use the iPad as a coaster,” said Tyler Grewe.

“I like my fruit sliced, so I think my iPad would make a great cutting board,” said Kaylee Imming.

“I’m tired of my dog chewing on my new shoes. Now, I finally have something to give to him,” said Quinn Strother.

“I recently broke my favorite flyswatter, so my iPad will be its replacement,” said Emily Schaefer.

“As we all know, snakes are a true and pressing issue that all are faced with in everyday life. I like to be aware of poisonous snakes and would use my iPad to defend myself if a snake were to EVER have the audacity to come near me,” said Natasha Vandamme.

With so many different options outlined for you, hopefully I have helped you make a decision. My personal use for it will be a hardcore tennis racket. Whatever you decide, just remember; don’t stop using it! Make use of it in some shape or form, because throwing it away or putting it somewhere you’ll never use it is just a waste for such a cool device.