Lenten Resolutions: How Did You Do?
As Easter and Spring Break draw closer and closer, Lent is coming to an end. Throughout this Lenten season, everyone has strived to grow closer to Jesus by trying to live a holier life. This includes making a Lenten “resolution.” We all are supposed to give something up, making a sacrifice as a witness to our faith.
Making a resolution and then being able to stick with it for the entirety of Lent can be quite challenging. Many students at St. Dominic tried to give up something for Lent this year, but sometimes things did not always go as planned.
“I gave up desserts for Lent. It was very difficult to entirely give it up. I cheated way too often honestly. I’m pretty sure I have extended Lent by about two weeks because of it. Even though I didn’t stick with my resolution 100% of the time, I will keep trying until Lent is over,” said sophomore Jenika Hazelbaker.
“I gave up spending more than five minutes a day on social media. I did well in the beginning of Lent, cheated for awhile in the middle, and now I’m starting back up again. It has been hard for sure, but also rewarding when I choose to put my phone down and be productive with my time,” said sophomore Grace Koeller.
Instead of giving things up, some students chose to do more of something.
“I did not give anything up, but I’m trying to be more positive about my schoolwork and soccer team. I struggled throughout, and I did not fully complete my goal, but I did see improvement. I am much more positive now than I was before the start of Lent,” said sophomore Maddy Schnurr.
It was even difficult for some teachers to stay true to their Lenten promises.
“For Lent, I tried to wake up earlier every day and use that extra time to read and study the Bible. It was tough for me because I don’t like waking up that early every morning, but it was worth it,” said math teacher Mr. Phil Brotherton.
No matter how your Lenten resolution turned out, we can certainly see how amazing God is in keeping His commitment to us. We can all carry out the promise to live a holier life even after Lent ends. Just because Lent is over, it doesn’t mean that we can’t try to grow closer to Jesus. Hopefully, you will feel inspired to live out your Lenten resolution every day!

Emma Story is a sophomore who is a member of the Pro-Life Leadership Team, FBLA, Youth in Government, NAHS, Spanish Club, CRU, Glamour Gals, Photography...