Blues Prepare for Wild Playoff Run

The Blues have reached the playoffs for the sixth straight season, and are preparing for a “Wild” ride. After a long season of extremely intense games, the Blues are now set to play a struggling Minnesota Wild team.

The playoffs are set to begin in a few weeks and the Blues are matched up against the division rival, Wild. The Wild have been struggling as of late. With low scoring and a struggling defense, the Wild is one of the better matchups the Blues could have asked for. However, they gave the Blues trouble this season and may turn out to be a tough matchup.

The Blues coming in to the playoffs are looking great. With the lines clicking on all cylinders and defense playing great, the Blues could be looking at a decent playoff run. Mike Yeo is settling in as coach and the players seem to be slowly meshing with his play style. With the recent addition of Vladimir Sobotka and players like Patrik Berglund and  Alex Pietrangelo, the leadership is in place as well.

Overall, the Blues are looking to make another run in the playoffs. They are hoping that the season ends better than years past. Although the Wild could be a tough matchup, the pieces are  in place for a successful playoff run.