60 Second Spotlight


In this futurist sci-fi thriller, a group of astronauts journey aboard the International Space Station on the Mars Pilgrim 7 Mission. With the hope of finding undiscovered life forms on the Red Planet, they anxiously head to Mars. Unlike previous films about Mars, this movie involves more than just collecting rock and dust from the planet. Upon their arrival, the astronauts, including familiar faces like Jake Gyllenhaal, Rebecca Ferguson and Ryan Reynolds, find and study a small sample that could be evidence of extraterrestrial life. However, as they continue to research, they discover that the life form is far more intelligent and dangerous than they ever could have imagined.
Rating: 7/10


Gaming Club

From board games to video games to card game tournaments, the Gaming Club here at St. Dominic is always a fun place to be! Moderated by Mr. Hancock, this club always invites students to bond together and bring out their competitive side. It is not only a great way to have fun and play games, but it is the perfect place to meet new people.

“The best part of gaming club is getting the opportunity to help kids who are a bit too shy to join other clubs step out of their comfort zone. The club promotes meeting new people and mostly just having fun. There is no shame in our game,” said senior Cameron Forrester.

To experience all the strategy, luck and fun involved with Gaming Club, join them at their next meeting after school on Tuesday, April 4!

Rating: 10/10


IBM Watson

IBM Watson, named after the company’s owner, is truly a next-level technology. Combining both artificial intelligence and advanced software, Watson is a question-answering machine that can answer any question as fast, or faster, than a human’s ability to answer. It draws from 90 servers with over 200 million pages of information, so it has more than enough data to answer sufficiently. Like humans, Watson is able to use logic and reason to make its way to the correct solution. Because of its vast capabilities, Watson can help anyone from a chef creating a new recipe or a doctor diagnosing a patient, and everyone in between.

Rating: 9/10