Don’t Give Up On Giving Up
With the Lenten season now in full swing, Catholics around the world are restraining from things they love in order to deepen their faith and relationship with God. Giving something up for Lent is the ultimate form of fasting. We deprive ourselves of a small pleasure and offer that sacrifice up to God.
In the St. Dominic community, many students have unique ways to turn their lives towards God during Lent. They have found the deeper meaning of Lent and their sacrifices reflect that.
“I gave up listening to music while driving. This is going to be hard for me because I love jamming to my CDs, especially with friends. Instead, I am going to use my car time for prayer. I am excited to see how this fasting deepens my relationship with God,” said senior Lindsey Peters.
Like Peters, senior Dominic Demerath has also given up music for Lent.
“I gave up listening to music for Lent because most of the times that I find myself listening to music is during the times that I should be thanking God the most. In the morning before school, I would have just woken up so I should be the most thankful. In the car because I have the ability to drive and I am privileged enough to have a car that works. Finally, in the shower because this is a time after some kind of athletic event. So, I have started taking this time to pray instead of just listening to music and going through the motions,” said Demerath.
Throughout the season of Lent there are many days that we must abstain from eating meat, such as Ash Wednesday and all Fridays. Some St. Dominic students are taking it to another level to fast this Lent.
“I’m giving up meat for Lent because I want to become more consciously aware of the choices I make. Having to pay closer attention to everything I do will be hard because I’m used to not having to put much thought into everyday things, like whether I eat meat or not. I hope to bring that awareness to other aspects of my life, especially my faith life and my relationship with God,” said senior Kaitlyn Pulliam.
Along with giving up soda, religion teacher Mr. Matt Winkelmann has decided to add to his faith life by following a daily devotional reading called 33 Days To Mercy Love.
“It’s a reading a day for 33 days dedicated to learning more and diving more into Jesus’ Divine Mercy for us. It’s been awesome,” said Mr. Winkelmann.
Whether you are giving up a simple pleasure or pushing yourself to deepen your faith life, remember that there is always room for each and every person to grow in their relationship with God.

Annika is a senior at St. Dominic. She is a peer minister and a leader of The Fellowship of Christian Athletes Club. She is also involved in theater, cross...