The Teenager’s Guide to A Healthy Lifestyle

Seniors Mary Maloney and Madeline Bauer working out together

Spring break and summer vacation are right around the corner, along with the classic “swimsuit season.” Unfortunately, wearing hoodies and sweats, soon won’t be an option.  Healthy eating habits and a good workout routine are hard to build when you are an involved teenager who barely has time to sleep. Luckily, I have found some simple and convenient methods for getting fit and leading a better lifestyle.
Step one: pack your lunch for school. Packing a lunch can be stressful when it is 7:30 in the morning and you have to leave in five minutes. So, instead of just throwing in whatever is easy to grab in your pantry, I suggest packing your lunch the night before. Home cooked leftovers are always an A+ option for a beneficial meal. A good packing guideline is to have a main dish, fruit and/or vegetables, healthy carbs for energy and possibly a little treat here or there. Packing a lunch is a good step towards a healthier body. There is nothing wrong with buying a lunch at school, but packing a lunch will save money.

Step two is fool proof. Every St. Dominic student has an I-pad and there are tons of apps that help you stay in shape. The best apps, in my opinion, are “My Fitness Pal,” “Fitonomy” and “Calorie Mama.” “My Fitness Pal” is an app that allows you to track your calorie intake, water consumption and physical activity. Users of the app can enter in any food item and pick portion sizes as well. This app is really helpful for people who are attempting to eat healthier and lose weight. “Fitonomy” is an app that makes workout plans for your personal goal, provides recipes and challenges you to do three healthy things a day. Unfortunately, the app costs money, but it offers a free trial for anyone who is interested. The last app, “Calorie Mama,” allows you to take a picture of food and it will give you all the nutritional information. This is very helpful for miscellaneous items like apples or bananas that often don’t have all the nutritional information on the side. These three apps can help you keep track of and maintain your fitness goals.



Seniors Joe Anthony and Courtney Borich working out

Step three: get active with friends. Working out can be hard when it comes to motivating yourself. However, by working out with friends you can have fun and inspire each other at the same time. This can be as simple as hiking at Klondike, playing rec sports or getting a gym membership together. Friends will help by pushing you to work hard and to keep up your goals.


Now is the time to start making changes in your daily routine to work towards a healthier lifestyle. Taking small steps each day will help you reach your goal. Spring is in the air, so get moving and improve your life.