Education Enriched Through Art

senior Cameron Forrester working on her latest project

It seems that the beginning of every school year brings new stories of schools cutting their art programs. Fortunately, that’s not the case here at St. Dominic. From Intro to Art, to Honors Advanced Art, Lettering and Design and more, art classes are all taught by Ms. Mary Nasser, who has been teaching at St. Dominic for sixteen years.

The classroom environment she creates and her respect for her students makes art classes very popular. Students use the safe, creative space Ms. Nasser provides to express themselves, and take time for themselves.

“The art room is one of my favorite places to be because I always feel so at peace,” said junior and Art II student Sophie Bradley.

“Smaug” by Cameron Forrester

Art classes also provide a change in pace and scenery to break up the monotony of the school day.

“If you are someone like me that can’t stand sitting in lecture classes all day taking notes, getting the privilege to express yourself is a nice break,” said senior and National Art Honors Society member Cameron Forrester.

Creating art is a very important aspect to many student’s life. From expressing their creativity, to relaxing and making friends, the art courses provided at St. Dominic give students a more fulfilling school experience.

“They are about expression and creativity. Nothing is right or wrong and it is something that can’t be taught in other classes. It is like a breath of fresh air when coming from a class that I need to focus in,” said senior and NAHS member Erin Heinrich.

Not only are art classes a highlight in many students day, but they add a valuable aspect to their education. With an education system that prioritizes standardized tests like the ACT, art offers students a different kind of education that is highly valuable.

“Eleven” by Jack Hogan

“These classes allow you to grow and learn in ways other classes can’t. I think for me, it’s just helped me to think in new ways and helped me with patience and adapting to change,” said senior and NAHS member Jack Hogan.

However, I think the truest testament to the quality and importance of St. Dominic’s art programs is that it is not only about the students themselves, but about the community.

“Once you get into Honors Advanced you can do anything and to see what each person in class chooses to do tells me a little bit about them. Seeing how talented and unique everyone is is simply beautiful,” said senior Kaylee Imming.

The talent and effort students express through their art is truly amazing. When you’re walking through the halls, take time to appreciate the work and heart that is put in to each and every piece. You will also have the opportunity to see student’s work when it is displayed in the Sister Mary Bender Lobby during showings of The Little Mermaid, our upcoming spring musical.