New Year, New Coach, New Culture

The St. Dominic boy’s JV basketball team had an incredible first half of their year and look to continue that play entering 2017. With new coach, Brendan Niggemeier, and a great team, the season is set to be a success.
Coach Niggemeier has ignited a fire in the JV Crusaders. He is a recent graduate and also a former athlete here at St. Dominic, so he knows the ins and outs of the basketball program. The players accepted Coach Niggemeier early on partly because of his age.
“We all really like it because of his age, he’s young and he’s also a good coach and that helps us,” said JV player and sophomore Matt Hanson.
Another reason for the JV team’s winning ways is their flawless team chemistry. A combination of Coach Niggemeier and the relationship between team members has improved their play on the court and will continue to in the second half of the season.
“Along with all of us being decent players, we are all really good friends and having Coach Niggemeier leading us has given us good chemistry,” said Hanson.
Besides being loved by his players, Coach Niggemeier has also been tough on them. As a result, the Crusaders are dominating their competition. He has done a great job preparing theses young men for the varsity competition next year.
“I think he’s done a pretty good job. We are running the same plays as varsity, so he has prepared us that way and he’s polishing any fundamentals we don’t have so we have them for next year,” said sophomore Jack Niggemeier.
Coach Niggemeier had an extra challenge coming into his first year as a coach at the high school level. Besides the heated competition against opponents, he is coaching his younger brother, Jack. The Niggemeier bond is strong on the court with the whole team backing them up.
“Playing under my brother has pushed our team more than usual because we don’t want to let him down and everyone on the team knows how important it is. Although, it can be a little awkward,” said Jack.
Hopefully, Coach Niggemeier can bring the JV team to the next level and have these young men ready to step up next season.

Andrew is a senior who is a part of Viri Dei and is also a member of the varsity baseball team. He enjoys watching all sports, but his favorite is basketball....