The St. Dominic Theater Program Swims Upstream

The St. Dominic Theater Program Swims Upstream

The St. Dominic theater program takes yet another step towards professional theater with the new approach on auditions. Instead of being provided a song and monologue from The Little Mermaid, auditionees had to find their own in a separate Broadway Musical. This new process definitely added stress, but was the haul worth the reward?

To many, this process seemed stressful, but the old pros know how beneficial it can be. When someone is able to choose their own song they are able to show the director who they are as a person and a performer.

“By allowing those who audition to choose their own songs they can show off or showcase their vocal range and personality. By choosing a monologue, those who audition can show their acting range or choose one that is contrasting from their song,” said Director Mrs. Melfreya Findley.

Using this new audition process, actors were not bound by the songs provided. They could choose a song to represent their abilities. This not only assisted in showing their vocal range and acting ability, it showed the director their versatility and creativity.

This new process may have come as a shock to some, but if anyone plans on performing after high school, this is the normal audition process. Many high school students who participate in theater plan on continuing it into college, and some may even choose to do it professionally. Through this new process, they were given a chance to grow and discover who they are as a performer. It helped the students explore what they can and cannot do.

“Obviously getting a song and being told to learn it is much easier, but it doesn’t prepare you for anything,” said junior Grace Fink.

Even though this process seemed scary, the pros far out weighed the cons. In the end, auditions are always going to be stressful. Just channel the stress and turn it into something wonderful!