A Thanksgiving Tragedy: Taking Things For Granted
As Thanksgiving approaches, it is expected that people stop and take a second to remember what they are thankful for. However, throughout the rest of the year, being truly thankful for all the blessings in our lives tends to get thrown under our busy days and schedules. Although we just so happen to live with our families year round, it is almost as if we don’t recognize their presence until the holidays come around.
With all the food, family and football, the spirit of the holiday is contagious. However, throughout most of the year, we set such a big focus on the things we want that we forget about all the blessings we already have. During the time of Thanksgiving, we open our eyes and are able to see others who are less fortunate than we are.
“People get so used to having everything they want that they never think about how everything they have is actually a privilege. When I went to Mexico over the summer, I realized that they struggle to have just the small necessities like a place to live and food to eat,” said senior Chloe Rothermich.
We tend to live in our own world and only focus on the people and things that are in our bubble. We can forget that there is a whole world out there lacking so much that we take for granted.
“We have a tendency to live within our own world and don’t take the opportunity to find out what else is out there. When we do this, we miss these opportunities to have something to put things into perspective,” said administrative assistant Mrs. Ania Wyant.
Instead of being grateful for all the people and privileges we already have, we want bigger and better things. It is a challenge to step outside ourselves throughout our busy days and schedules to look at situations from other’s perspectives. Taking things for granted is an easy trap to fall into and is something that almost everyone experiences.
“I think people take things for granted because, especially in our school that we have here, we have a lot. Since we have so much, it’s really easy to take stuff for granted when you have everything that you need; you’re focused on the want rather than the need. It’s a constant struggle and we have to work on it, being thankful for what we have,” said religion teacher Mr. Matt Winkelmann.
As Thanksgiving draws near, there are many opportunities for us to stop and think about everything God has blessed us with. As amazing as this time is, we should try to continue to have this mindset year round. With these thoughts, we could drastically change not only our own lives, but the lives of others around us.

Grace is a senior who is in the Ambassador, Pro-Life, Outreach and CRU Clubs and she is involved in the senior advisor program. She plays soccer for MO...