Joanne: A New Lady Gaga Is Born

The days of meat dresses and over the-top pop productions are gone. Lady Gaga’s latest album, Joanne, presents a more refined sound from our favorite pop superstar.

From country twang to ’70s sounds, Lady Gaga’s fifth studio album definitely stands out from her previous releases. In contrast to the strict glittery (and at times odd) pop that dominated Gaga’s music, Joanne covers a wide range of genres. Songs such as “A-YO” and “Sinner’s Prayer” have country roots, while “Come To Mama” and “Just Another Day” sound like they were pulled from decades past.

If that’s not enough change for you, Gaga piles on even more. She hits acoustic soft-rock with “Million Reasons” and “Joanne,” but pulls out all the rock-n-roll stops on “John Wayne.” But for fans of Lady Gaga’s dramatic pop style, fear not. “Perfect Illusion” and “Dancin’ in Circles” take the listener back to Gaga’s 2000s sound.

Though Joanne relentlessly pivots from one genre to the next, Lady Gaga’s powerful voice connects each song. Gaga has always had a rich, beautiful voice (one of our generation’s best, I’d venture to say), but Joanne allows it to be showcased in a new way by abandoning the loud, busy and many times overdone pop synths of previous albums. Her huge, world-class vocals are clearly heard on “Million Reasons,” “Angel Down” and “Come To Mama.”

A strong sense of theme throughout also holds the album together despite varying genres. Each and every song centers around friends, family and generally positive relationships. “Grigio Girls” and “Hey Girl” portray supportive female-empowering friendships. “Hey Girl” is particularly powerful due to the fact that Gaga collaborated with another strong female singer, Florence Welch, from Florence and the Machine. Even more downbeat songs are laced with a sense of hope and courage. Title track “Joanne” is a touching tribute to Gaga’s aunt, who died early in life.

Lady Gaga’s departure from her past bubblegum pop sound was definitely a risk. However, this change has allowed her full artistic potential to be realized and an amazing album to be born.

Favorite tracks: “John Wayne” and “Angel Down”

Least favorite track: “A-YO”

Rating: 8/10