You Never Outgrow Halloween
When freshman year of high school hits, students abandon traditional Halloween festivities. The best Halloween nights used to be spent gorging on candy after hours of tiresome trick-or-treating. Somewhere down the line, the Halloween traditions we love so much become “immature.” But this year, it’s time for high schoolers to pull out their old princess dresses and superhero suits to get back into the spirit of Halloween.
Candy is without a doubt the best part of Halloween. Whether your sweet tooth is Milky Ways or Skittles, Halloween is the time where you can get all your favorite goodies for free. High schoolers never have enough cash to purchase their candy of choice on the go. Obviously, there is no better way than trick-or-treating to pick up the best candy in town. With a simple knock and a sweet “Trick-or-Treat,” trusty neighbors will fill your pillowcases to the brim with glorious candy.
With these sweets at stake, you may be asking yourself what you can do to make this Halloween the best one yet. First off, it is essential to pick out the perfect costume. Whether it is planned weeks in advance or the night of, a good costume is necessary to get your spook on. There are countless options that cost little to no money. If you are willing to spend a few dollars, stores such as Target, Party City and Spirit Halloween have options for all Halloween lovers. Even if you do not want to go all-out on costumes, some creepy makeup and a wig could do the trick to make the night special.
“Even though I am older now, I still love to dress up on Halloween! My dad always buys too much candy, so we have extra sweets to eat afterwards. This year, I want to be either a bunch of green grapes since I was a bunch of purple grapes last year, or the dog snapchat filter,” said junior Lydia Keinrath.
Halloween is a timeless holiday. It gives people one night to pretend to be anything they want to be. Nobody, especially high schoolers, is too cool to dress up for this grand occasion. In reality, you are more likely to be considered a loser if you do not get into the Halloween spirit.
High school is not the time to wimp on all the things that Halloween has to offer. Grab a few friends and a costume to trick-or-treat this year. Get into the spooky spirit of Halloween because this could be your best one yet.

Kaitlyn Bross is a senior here at St. Dominic High School. Besides being the Editor-in-Chief of Crusader Nation, she is involved with varsity lacrosse,...