The Trip of a Lifetime: Puerto Rico

While many of us will be at home binge-watching Netflix this summer, several St. Dominic students, along with Mrs. Mary Kate Galvan and Ms. Allison Zilka, are taking the trip of a lifetime to Puerto Rico. Any student who is taking or has previously taken Spanish or French at St. Dominic is welcome to embark on this adventure. The group is excited to experience the different culture and interact with the people that live 2,000 miles away.

Bioluminescent bay

The group from St. Dominic will hit the ground running when they land in Puerto Rico. From horseback riding on a hacienda to touring the rainforest to kayaking on a bioluminescent bay, they hope to dive right into the Puerto Rican lifestyle for the five days they are there.

“We’re not going to have a whole lot of free time. It’s just going to be go-go-go; tour this, tour that. We have an itinerary jam-packed with activities,” said Mrs. Galvan.

Everyone heading on the trip is looking forward to a new experience. Mrs. Galvan is excited to spend time with the students and see them step out of their comfort zones. She is thrilled with the group of kids that have signed up and knows they will make the experience special.

image“I’m just very excited to explore the culture of Puerto Rico. I’ve personally never been to Puerto Rico, but I know many Puerto Ricans, and I can just tell by knowing them how beautiful their culture is. I’m excited to see my students’ eyes opening to culture outside of the United States,” said Mrs. Galvan.

As the school year flies by and the trip approaches, let’s keep all those going in our thoughts and prayers. We hope they make the most of this trip. If you are interested in going on the trip, speak with Mrs. Galvan or Ms. Zilka to see if there are still spots available!