We Got Spirit How ‘Bout You?
The pep rally on Friday, September 30, was full of fun and games as the student body competed against each other for spirit points. Although the weather wasn’t the best, a little rain didn’t stop the Crusaders from showing their school spirit.
The rally began with a boy and a girl from each grade level throwing a football into slots with different numbered point values. To the dismay of the upperclassmen, freshman Tori Forbeck stepped up to the line and won this intense game.
“It felt really good to kick everyone’s butt because we’re freshmen and they probably didn’t expect that,” said Forbeck.
The next competition was a race to see which grade could pass a football down a line of ten people the fastest using only their feet. The senior class came out with a win for this challenge.
The cheerleaders and dancers got wild as they performed their western-themed halftime performance for the school. The cheer and dance squads’ hard work and practice definitely paid off.
“We had practices almost every day for two weeks. By the end of homecoming week, we were all really tired, but our performance was solid and we had a fun time doing it,” said senior cheerleader Shannon Ransom.
The traditional tug of war challenge was nothing short of exciting. All the students who played were persistent and determined. The junior class came out on top of the students, but in the end were defeated by the teachers.
The pep rally ended with the pie eating contest. St. Dominic coaches were blindfolded and competed against each other to see who could finish their pie the fastest. However, Mr. Brotherton didn’t get the memo, and the whole school watched as he was the only coach to stuff his face and end up covered in whipped cream.
“I felt like I was on a really good pace. Never in my wildest dreams did I think it was a set up,” said Mr. Brotherton.
A lot of work and effort was put into the pep rally by the members of STUCO to ensure it was a school-wide success. At the end of the day the juniors were chosen as the winners of the spirit stick, which was previously held by the senior class. The fun and exciting activities from Friday made this pep rally one for the books.

Grace is a senior who is in the Ambassador, Pro-Life, Outreach and CRU Clubs and she is involved in the senior advisor program. She plays soccer for MO...