And Taking the Stage is…

The 2016-17 theatre season will take you “under the sea” and back into biblical times for one of the most innovative show seasons in St. Dominic history. The fall musical Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat is sure to be a crowd pleaser, and the winter show will be a new and improved version of A Christmas Carol. Finally, the spring musical is the favorite Disney classic, The Little Mermaid.
The story of Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat follows your favorite prophet Joseph on his daring adventures. The show is sung from start to finish, with catchy tunes and a storyline that everyone loves. Director Mrs. Melfreya Findley is hoping that this switch-up to a musical in the fall will bring in a huge crowd to support our drama program.
Some of you may say that St. Dominic has already seen A Christmas Carol, but it is guaranteed that you have never seen it this way. The classic Christmas tale will have a twist next year with a new script to be written by our very own Mrs. Findley. The new perspective is to be determined, but will either follow the beloved Tiny Tim, or showcase the popular gender-swap idea. Mrs. Findley is undecided as to which storyline will prevail, but whichever is chosen, the show is bound to be a big success.
The theatre program is jumping out of the water for next year’s spring show The Little Mermaid. St. Dominic has the cast, stage and director to preform this amazing production. With show-stopping numbers such as “Part of Your World” and “Kiss the Girl,” the audience is sure to be in love with this show.
Fear not, the shows do not end there! Next spring, the Advanced Theatre/Directing class and Children’s Theatre will be producing an amazing Evening of Theatre. This full night will feature monologues, improvisation and potentially a one-act show.
The stage has a lot to take on next year. With this busy and exciting season, the St. Dominic theatre program will be taken to new heights. Make sure to come and support your fellow Crusaders next year in their amazing performances.

Kaitlyn Bross is a senior here at St. Dominic High School. Besides being the Editor-in-Chief of Crusader Nation, she is involved with varsity lacrosse,...