How to Ace Your Exams

Finals week is just around the corner, and most of you probably plan on pulling off the notorious last-minute cram session for your studies. Although guilty of that as well, I am here to advise you to do the opposite. Now is not the time to slack off because these exams are the only thing standing in the way between you and summer. Here are some helpful hints on how to ace your exams.
- Minimize any distractions.
Turn off your phone notifications. I’m sorry to break it to you, but keeping your 315 day snap streak alive isn’t a priority when you need to be focusing on studying for these exams. Put your phone in a small box and wrap it in several layers of duct tape if that’s what it takes.
- Manage your time.
Studying for hours at a time will not help you retain information. However, studying in increments of 20-40 minutes with a 5-10 minute reward will keep your memory sharp.
- Eat healthy.
It’s not always easy to avoid tasty-looking donuts and other junk foods. Instead of falling short to those temptations, aim for fulfilling meals and healthy snacks to keep you going.
- Alternate your studying environments.
Spending all night at a cramped desk will suck the life out of you. Change it up a little; try to choose maybe two or three different spots when you study so you can move around. Make sure you’re comfortable, but not too comfortable as you don’t want to accidentally fall asleep on the job.
- Sleep.
Let’s face it, you probably do not get a lot of sleep during the school year. Even so, try your best to get a good night’s sleep the day before exams. What should be avoided is taking naps to compensate for your lack of sleep because the short nap you were intending to have will likely end up being five hours long. Remember: coffee is your best friend.
Hopefully these techniques prove effective as you begin studying for your final exams. Do not push yourself too much, but make sure to not wait until the night before an exam to start studying either. Good luck!

Alexandra is a senior at St. Dominic High School. Aside from singing in the choir, she is involved in AD club and bowling club. In her free time, she enjoys...