Seniors Reminisce

From Kairos #3: Erin Prendergast, McKenna Schulz, Madison Orlando, Raquel Rodriguez and Joey Herget

The countdown clock is winding down for the seniors! It seems like just yesterday we walked through the doors of St. Dominic High School as nervous little freshmen. Our high school careers will end and a new chapter of our lives will begin in August. We never believed that high school would fly by in the blink of an eye, but here we are at its close. High school wasn’t meant to last forever, but the memories will last a lifetime.

When thinking about our time at St. Dominic, we will remember all of the good times we had together. We can look back on how much we have grown over our four years here. We have all had our ups and downs in high school, but one thing is for sure, we had fun. High school is the place where we made the best of friends, dressed up for football games, connected with our favorite teachers, made each other laugh, celebrated wins and created all of the memories. These are times we are going to remember forever.

Most students can pick out their favorite memories right away. Senior Madison Orlando will never forget her favorite aspect of the past four years.

“My favorite memory would probably be Kairos because it was an escape from the real world. It allowed me the opportunity to meet and connect with people I never would have before,” said Orlando.

Many agree with Orlando. Kairos was definitely a life-changing experience for many of us. It gave our class the opportunity to grow closer to one another.

Others appreciate the tight-knit community St. Dominic has provided us. Seniors Lizzy Langdon and Zach Grasso believe that this is what they will miss the most about this school.

“I’m going to miss having the one-on-one connections with teachers that St. Dominic provides that college will most likely not,” said Langdon.

“I’m going to miss the community here. I feel like everyone is always looking out for me. I have made amazing friends at Dominic and I am really going to miss them,” said Grasso.

Sara Norsen and Mr. Asher
Sara Norsen and Mr. Asher

For senior Sara Norsen, she believes she will miss Mr. Asher’s sociology class the most.

“Mr. Asher’s class is the best because he’s great at connecting with the students and making the material and his class interesting. Some of my favorite times have been in Mr. Asher’s class. I am going to miss him a lot. I really appreciate all he has done for me,” said Norsen.

I think we can all agree that the people at St. Dominic have changed our lives for the better.

Always remember who was by your side during all of these wonderful times at St. Dominic. Lastly, keep the memories of St. Dominic in your heart as you continue your journey through life. Never forget, once a Crusader always a Crusader!