Give STL, Give St. Dominic

Give STL, Give St. Dominic

If you have ever looked at the tuition of other private schools in the St. Louis area, you will notice that St. Dominic has one of the lowest costs. This low price is made possible by three main components: the dinner auction, the ACA grant and the efforts of the advancement office. These components, which include the Annual Crusade, help make up the gap between the cost to educate a student and the amount St. Dominic charges. In total, this gap amounts to roughly half a million dollars per year for the entire student body.

This year, for the second year in a row, St. Dominic will participate  in the Give STL Day. This event takes place on May 3 and is a twenty-four hour long online giving fund. For a minimum of a $10 donation, students, parents, friends and family all have the opportunity to participate in giving back to our school. While St. Dominic is just one of about nine hundred organizations participating, the amount raised goes into the Annual Crusade.

What is the incentive to give? At the top of almost every hour, Cardinal tickets will be given away to one randomly selected person who has donated in the previous hour. There are also many other incentives, including the chance to win bonus money for St. Dominic.

Now it’s your turn to help. To make this day of giving a success, the wonderful ladies in the advancement office, as well as the school, ask that everyone spread the word of how to donate. Donations can be made only through credit or debit cards, and there must be a minimum of $10 donated.

In the very near future, there will be social media blasts about this event from all St. Dominic accounts. The more that is donated to this event, the better chance everyone has at winning some great prizes and keeping the cost of tuition low! To donate, please visit on May 3. Thank you in advance for supporting our school!