The Final Curtain Call

This year marks the 50th anniversary of St. Dominic’s first production of the musical Fiddler on the Roof. In light of this, director Mrs. Joan Potthast and the rest of the theater community decided to put on the show once again. The musical came to the stage on April 21 and was performed throughout the weekend.

With each performance, the cast and crew continued to enhance the overall quality of this rendition of Fiddler on the Roof. Based on Jewish traditions and hardships, this musical follows a poor family struggling with the changing world. However, the audience often found themselves laughing at Tevye’s (Joey Kuhn) comic relief. The talent and enthusiasm of the actors brought this classical tale to life.

The musical brought bittersweet emotions for the seniors who will be leaving the theater program and heading off to college. During their four years of high school, Joey Kuhn, Lucas Provine and Tim Stout have performed in every St. Dominic production. Although not all of these seniors will be continuing their time in the spotlight, they will always look back fondly at the memories they made on stage.

“Playing Tevye is easily the most difficult role I have ever taken on. He is a character close to my heart, and is someone with such a distinct mixture of comedy and drama that I have always wanted to play. Fiddler was, is and will be my favorite musical because of my opportunity here at St. Dominic,” said Kuhn.

“I’m not an overly sentimental person, but I felt that it would be appropriate to add the doctor’s bag I used in my very first play to the luggage that I carry off stage in the final scene of Fiddler. It’s the little things,” said Provine.

“Coming into freshman year, I was so shy and afraid to be myself. Without theater, I never would have been able to get out of my comfort zone and be the person I want to be,” said Stout.

After 43 years of putting on amazing shows, Mrs. Potthast ended her career with an unforgettable production. In honor of her service, St. Dominic named the PAC stage the Potthast Stage. With the seniors leaving and Mrs. Potthast retiring, a new tradition will begin next year!

Seniors Departing:

Joey Kuhn

Lucas Provine

Tim Stout

Maddi Schulz

McKenna Schulz

Eddie Koch

Nick Roden

Chris White

Hailey Olsen

Alex Cornett

Keenan Bross