Sophomore: Conner Havrilla
Conner Havrilla is a sophomore at St. Dominic. He is on the cross country team and also participates in the school plays. So far, he has been in the last two productions of A Christmas Carol and is currently preparing for Fiddler on the Roof. Outside of school, Havrilla is a Boy Scout and has been one since 5th grade. As of now, he has received all the necessary patches to become an Eagle Scout. When he isn’t working hard at school or at Boy Scouts, he plays disc golf in Fort Zumwalt Park. Whenever he finds some free time, he likes to kick back and listen to music.
Role Model: Grandpa
Dream Job: Work on a cruise ship
Favorite Food: Sushi
Desired Superpower: To walk through walls

Caitlin is a senior at St. Dominic High School. She is involved in Pro-Life Club, A.D., CRU and is a part of the tennis and track teams. Whenever she is...