We are Proud to be Women

Many of the debates in today’s society surround women’s rights. And while fighting for equality and stopping gender stereotypes are both very important subjects, that is not what this article is about. This article is meant to do one thing: point out that women are more empowered than we have ever been before.
Women are slowly but surely gaining a voice in U.S. politics. Republican Sarah Palin brought the female voice back into politics when she ran for Vice President with Senator John McCain in 2008. While McCain did not win the election, Palin was the first female Vice Presidential candidate the country had seen in twenty years. The 2008 election also brought to light the ambition of former First Lady Hillary Clinton. Even though she lost to current president Barack Obama during the 2008 primaries, she decided to run again for the 2016 presidential election. Providing she wins, Clinton would become the first female presidential candidate in American history. Lastly, current First Lady Michelle Obama used her status to help childhood obesity in America with her program, Let’s Move. She also fights for women’s rights and poverty awareness. No matter what your opinion is regarding each of these political women, the fact remains that they are doing their part to help women have a say in the U.S. government.
However, it isn’t just U.S. politics; women’s voices can be heard throughout the world as there are several female role models for the young women of today. Malala Yousafzai stood up for her right to education in Pakistan when she was only a teenager. She was shot for her beliefs when she was fifteen-years-old on the bus ride home from school. As a United Nations Women Goodwill advisor, actress Emma Watson stood in front of the UN Headquarters to fight for her HeforShe movement at the age of 23. She called for men to join in the fight for gender equality and called for an end to any perception of “man-hating.” Singer Lady Gaga launched her Born This Way Foundation in 2012 to help teenagers fight against bullying and gain self-confidence. Singer Taylor Swift has stayed true to herself since the beginning of her music career in 2006. While she may have changed her music style, she never changed her personality in order to gain public acceptance. Women of modern society have no problem with showing the world what they are capable of. They are an inspiration to future generations.
Sometimes it’s easy for those in the media to stand up for what is right, but strong women can be found in our everyday lives; we just have a habit of over looking them. Mothers are the best example of proud, empowered women. Working as a teacher by day, and a caring mother by night, Mrs. Trisha Goins is the perfect model of a selfless, loving mother. The moment she returns home from work, she dedicates herself to her three children, waiting until they are safely tucked away in bed to grade papers and make lesson plans. While this lifestyle can be a challenge, Mrs. Goins believes that motherhood is the most rewarding part of her life.
“Just like everyday is a challenge, everyday is a reward. My children are full of love and they are hilarious and they bring so much love into my life. And when it comes to being a mom I never knew how much love was inside of me until I had children,” said Mrs. Goins.

Senior Madigan Schulte says that her mom does an incredible job of caring for her and her three siblings. Her mom worked as a secretary until her brother Ryan was born with cerebral palsy. Her mom takes him to all of his therapy sessions and never fails to spend the night at the hospital whenever he has to undergo surgery. However, Schulte emphasizes that her mother never neglects to spend time with her other children.
“She makes time for each individual kid even though she has so much to do with my brother and his therapy,” said Schulte.
Seniors Tori Foushee and Mary Koeller acknowledge that their mothers showed them what it means to be beautiful. After watching both their moms fight through chemotherapy, the girls agree that their moms taught them that beauty is always found on the inside, not the outside.
“Even when she was sick she never let that show and I feel like a lot of women do that,” said Koeller.
After suffering the loss of their mothers, both seniors urge their peers to love and appreciate their mothers while they can.
“Don’t take moms for granted because you’ll never realize what you’ll miss when they’re gone,” said Foushee.
Strong women can be found everywhere, from the television screen to the average household. The women of today help us have a voice in modern day society. With the help of these women, our opportunities in life are limitless. So ladies, let’s show the world what we can do. Let’s show the world that we are proud to be women.

Senior Chelsea Hazell is involved in chamber choir, Music Inc., Robotics Club, NHS and peer ministry. In addition to being a staff writer for Crusader...