The New Field of Dreams
The St. Dominic community is extremely excited for the installation of the brand new turf field for our athletic teams. A new field will be great for sports and will improve the overall look at both football and soccer games.
All coaches and players are looking forward to the new turf, especially soccer coach Greg Koeller, who voiced an extremely positive opinion towards the field, as did football coach Phil Brotherton.
“The turf will provide a good bite on the ball, like playing on natural grass. It will make it so we can do our style of play, less bounce to the ball,” said Coach Koeller.
“The turf is a huge upgrade; it’s awesome,” said Coach Brotherton.
Along with this new field is a brand new logo that will be in the center of the field. The enormous crusader mounted on horseback will show St. Dominic’s school pride. Many student athletes are looking forward to the field. Offensive lineman Gage Newton is extremely excited for the field.
“This new turf will be fun to play on and looks great!” said Newton.
This upgrade to St. Dominic is receiving an extremely positive response from students, faculty and alumni. With the field ready for spring, athletes and coaches are eager to step foot on the new turf.

Alex is a sophomore at St. Dominic High School. He is involved in Model U.N. and Mock Trial. Alex spends his free time either playing club lacrosse, watching...