Chick Flicks and Chill: Top 10 Romance And Breakup Movies Of All Time

The Notebook

The Notebook

Watching romantic movies with your significant other is a great way to spend Valentine’s Day. It allows you to get in the spirit of the holiday without breaking the bank. Here are some of my personal favorites!

  1. The Notebook

This well-known Nicholas Sparks film is every girl’s favorite. Between the heartfelt love story, the handsome Ryan Gosling and the gorgeous Rachel McAdams, no viewer will be disappointed.


  1. Titanic


Based on a historical event, this film is a story of great love and tragedy between Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Rose (Kate Winslet). Coming from different financial backgrounds made them an unlikely match to others, but for them, it was love at first sight. This tearjerker of a film will leave you feeling heartbroken.


  1. Fifty First Dates

    50 First Dates

Leave it to Adam Sandler to put a humorous spin on this inspiring love story. Lucy (Drew Barrymore) suffers from short-term memory loss and Henry (Sandler) attempts to win her over day after day. This film will have you crying from laughter!


  1. The Vow

    The Vow

Imagine going from being happily married to not even remembering your husband due to a sudden car accident. This film demonstrates how true love can overcome any obstacle. Just like the couple Leo (Channing Tatum) and Paige (Rachel McAdams), this film will make you fall in love all over again each time you watch it.


  1. When Harry Met Sally

    When Harry Met Sally

Sometimes, the one you have been searching for all your life is right in front of you. This realistic romance is a classic story of two people, Sally (Meg Ryan) and Harry (Billy Crystal), who take a total of 12 years and three months to realize they were meant to be together.


Everyone loves a good romance movie, right? WRONG! If you are single or currently going through a breakup, these movies will help you survive the dreaded Valentine’s Day.


  1. John Tucker Must Die

    John Tucker Must Die

Revenge is sweet, especially for three girls who found out they were all dating the same guy. Staring Jesse Metcalfe as John and Brittany Snow as Kate, this hilarious film will have you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end.


  1. He’s Just Not That Into You

    He’s Just Not That Into You

Grab your best girlfriends and pile on the snacks to enjoy this relatable film. Watch this group of women battle their way through trials and doubt in the world of dating. Staring Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Aniston, Drew Barrymore, Jennifer Connelly and Ginnifer Goodwin, this film is perfect for the “forever alone” individuals.


  1. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

    How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

Being heartbroken feels awful. But if that’s not bad enough, try being the heart breaker. Staring Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey, this film will give you creative tips to ditch a guy without hurting his feelings.


  1. The Break-Up

    The Break-Up

Love doesn’t always last. Married couple Brooke (Jennifer Anniston) and Gary (Vince Vaughn) take their relationship to the next level…of ugly.


  1. 500 Days of Summer

    500 Days of Summer

Over a 500 day period and a nonlinear format, Tom (Joseph Gordon- Levitt), a lonely greeting card writer, falls in and out of love with his dream girl Summer (Zooey Deschanel) all the while finding out about love, life and everything in between.


Whether you watch these films with your significant other or a group of friends, you are sure to have a good time filled with fond memories. For the sake of Valentine’s Day, I suggest lots of chocolate and candy paired with these films. These top ten romantic and breakup movies are sure to win over your heart. Enjoy!