Out with the Old, In with the New

With the new year here, we can look ahead to brighter and better situations. The new year means New Year’s resolutions. Although made with the intention of success, they normally don’t meet expectations.

Another year has gone by and 2015 is now in the record books. Whether it’s for the highs or the lows, the year is certainly one to remember. The United States women’s soccer team brought home their third World Cup, scientists discovered water on Mars and the pop culture scene was as electric as ever. However, this does not mean the year was without downfalls as well. Fear instilled itself into the lives of innocent civilians via an abundance of terrorist attacks, both domestically and internationally. It almost seemed like a day couldn’t pass without a negative event occurring. With 2016 in our midst, it’s time to put the past behind us. Rather than make resolutions on what we can do, let’s try looking at what we should not do. Here is what we as a society can leave behind in 2015 to make 2016 a better year:

The Hatred: Cynical and negative views of the world impacted lives on a daily basis. Violence, protests and hatred became commonplace instead of an irregular occurrence.

Taking Offense & Being Offensive: This doesn’t mean taking offense is wrong or unnecessary; however, 2015 was the year of strong opinions and being offended . It is completely possible and important to stand firm in a certain belief, but also be respectful.

Apathy: Be passionate about something.

Stupid Lingo: Swag, lit, chill, fire, Netflix & chill, fam, #, savage, etc.


On the brighter side, 2016 will also bring highlights in the world of sports, film and music. Here are some predictions:

Super Bowl Champion: Carolina Panthers

World Series Champion: San Francisco Giants

MLS Champion: LA Galaxy

NBA Champion: Golden State Warriors

NHL Champion: Washington Capitals

imageAcademy Award for Best Picture: The Revenant

Academy Award for Best Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio for The Revenant

Academy Award for Best Actress: Brie Larson for Room

Best Film of 2016: Knight of Cups

Biggest Blockbuster Films of 2016: Finding Dory and Suicide Squad

 Biggest TV Shows: Mr. Robot, Game of Thrones and Better Call Saul

 Grammy Award for Best Album: Adele’s 25

 2016 is a new year, a chance to put behind our flaws and start over. Or rather, continue on a journey or successful path. Whichever type of year fits for you, make it a good one.