Put A Ring On It

In just five short months, the juniors will fill the shoes of the seniors and reach the top of the high school totem pole. However, before they are able to do that, a rite of passage for juniors is to purchase a class ring. According to Jostens representative John Patterson, these rings aren’t just for show; they tell a story of a person’s time here at St. Dominic. With many different ring styles and side designs to choose from, the possibilities to tell a story are endless. Here’s what a few juniors have to say about the meaning behind their rings.

“On my ring, I put two of the only things that I feel like I do well: music and hurdles. So I put those two on the sides because I feel like my story at St. Dominic had to include two of the things which are most important to me here,” said Bradley Sievers.

Kaitlyn Pulliams' ring
Kaitlyn Pulliam’s ring

“I chose the design of my class ring based on what my two older sisters and my mom’s ring looked like. All three of us chose to get the same stone that my mom had put in her high school class ring. We all got the same ring design because it was similar to what my mom’s class ring looks like,” said Kaitlyn Pulliam.

“I chose the shadowcast ring because of how manly it looked compared to the silver and gold styles. It also makes the Crusader blue stone stand out,” said Ethan Kalist.

Ethan Kalists' ring
Ethan Kalist’s ring

“I got a ring because it is one of the many milestones in high school and it is a wake up call saying ‘you are more than halfway over with your high school career,'” said Jolene Bugnitz.

As the first semester comes to a close, the juniors are left with lasting memories of their high school experience, as well as the little time they have left of it. There’s still plenty of time to write a story, and receiving a class ring is just the beginning of their journey as upperclassmen.