St. Nick’s Magic Tricks

The long-awaited month of December has finally arrived. As Santa makes his list and checks it twice, people everywhere plan for the Christmas season. However, there is one thing that cannot be prepared: the magic. The magic of Christmas takes on many forms, and students and faculty explain how Christmas has put a “spell” on them.

The idea of the magic of Christmas brings several things to mind:

“Children’s faces. I get to look at my daughter’s face, who’s looking at her sons’ faces,” said Mrs. Fridley.

“The entire idea that most of the world is celebrating the birth of Jesus, whether they mean to or not, all on the same day is incredible. So probably that,” said junior Jack Hogan.

Christmas magic may explain certain miracles during the holiday season. Senior Keenan Bross has a firsthand experience with a Christmas miracle:

“My entire family went diving in my frozen pond to save my dog, Darla. We knew that Dan was the right man for Kristen [Bross’s sister] when he went diving in the pond for five minutes just to save Darla because Kristen loves that dog so much,” said Bross.

Cancer-survivor Mrs. Sally Garrett defines her diagnosis during the Christmas season years ago as a miracle:

Mrs. Ania Wyant

“The machine was broken when I first went for a checkup and I went back two weeks later to get checked out again by a different radiologist. If she wouldn’t have looked at my tests again, it would’ve been a way different story. There is something to be said about all the stars lining up together. I needed to be here for my grandson,” said Mrs. Garrett.

The magic of Christmas doesn’t stop there. For Mrs. Ania Wyant, it brought an unexpected gift.

“It was a couple days before Christmas, and I found out that I was pregnant with my fifth child. My husband looks at me and goes, ‘Are you for real?’ And I’m like, ‘Oh yeah, I’m for real.’ That is my Christmas miracle. It really was,” said Mrs. Wyant.

Whether in simple forms, miracles or surprising gifts, the magic of Christmas permeates the December air. Now the question is: How will you feel the magic this year? Or in the words of teacher Mr. Noah Duncan, what is “something that just makes you feel Christmas?”